Alaska Dalton Highway (Route 11) mileage sign




The Dalton Highway, also designated as Alaska Route 11, is the furthest north state numbered highway in the United States. It begins at the Elliot Highway (Route 2) in Livengood, and proceeds north of there, through some of North America’s most remote landscapes, to Deadhorse, about 7½ miles (12 km) south of the Arctic Ocean. The road was built in 1974 as a construction access road for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. The pipeline was completed in 1977, and the highway became an access road for the pipeline and the industrial facilities on Prudhoe Bay, near Deadhorse. The road was turned over to the state of Alaska in 1979. However, access remained restricted to the oil industry for two more years. In 1981, the southernmost 211 miles (340 km) of the road was opened to the public for the first time. The remainder was opened for public access in 1994. It remains one of the most challenging journeys on the U.S. public road system—on Jake’s trip to Deadhorse and back on the Dalton Highway, he destroyed five tires.

Our Dalton Highway mileage sign is a re-imagining of the signs found at the beginning of the Dalton Highway. To make an excellent display piece, it combines the content of three different signs one will find when they begin a northbound trip. At the top of the sign is the Alaska Route 11 highway marker next to the formal name of the road, the James W. Dalton Highway. Below that are the mileages to four of the locales along the route. Our sign lets you commemorate your travels on the Dalton Highway, or just add a touch of the Arctic to any garage, bar, cabin, man cave, office, or any other space!

Our Dalton Highway mileage sign is printed on heavy 14-gauge steel. It has a glossy, non-reflective coating that will look great for years to come, either indoors or outdoors. Take your pick of five sizes, from 14 in. × 10 in. up to 63 in. × 45 in. We’ve included two convenient mounting holes in every size. (If you’re looking for a size not listed here, or even a totally different sign, be it from Alaska or somewhere else, let us know! We’re happy to customize our signs any way you’d like. To get started, just contact Jake.)